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Announcement: Forthcoming May 2023 (Prolific Pulse Press)
Hoods Of Motherhood: A Collection Of Poems About Women Being Who They're Meant To Be
By Nurturing Themselves Like They Nurture Others
I would also like to share the good news that some of the poems in the collection were first published on Medium in publications such as Put It To Rest, Sensual: An Erotic Life, iPoetry, and Marlene in a Pub.
When I lost my grandmothers in a short amount of time (2021–2022), I struggled to reconcile the lessons they imparted with outdated notions of gender roles to be empowered enough to make motherhood my own.
As the Jewish Canadian granddaughter of Romanian Holocaust survivors and Spanish Moroccan immigrants, a mother of three boys, and a teacher, I’ve struggled to unlearn and relearn what it means to be a mother. That’s why Hoods of Motherhood: A Collection of Poems (Prolific Pulse Press), forthcoming May 2023, is for every woman who ever had to learn to nurture herself like she nurtures others.
Hoods of Motherhood: A Collection of Poems takes readers on a journey from innocence, self-doubt, and silence to healing, and empowerment through voice, intuition, and self-love that speaks to all caregivers.