Fall Into Place

A poem

Lindsay Soberano Wilson


Photo by Neal Kharawala on Unsplash

I’ve been trying to figure it out
as though cracking some
code or solving the riddle
or aligning a rubrik’s cube
but the truth is
I just ran out of glue
and had to tether it all
like helium balloons
escaping the ground
or a tent taking flight
in the wind just trying
to hold it all down
even when it’s being held
by a paper-thin paper clip
that hurts like a paper cut
when you used to have
a metal latch or…



Lindsay Soberano Wilson

Hoods of Motherhood: A Collection of Poems (2023) & Casa de mi Corazon (2021) | Editor iPoetry I Creator of Put It To Rest |linktr.ee/LindsaySoberano_Wilson